Thursday, July 20, 2006

sixty seconds with shirls: rainy days

shireen, jason and tash in their glory days

now my cousin shirls (pictured above, left) works with little ones.. and i often get to hear her stories. i thought id be generous and give you all a segment called "sixty seconds with shirls". here's a story shirls shared with me tonight about a 4 yr old girl with a big dream

4 year old girl gazes out the window on the rainy day. she turns to shirls

4 yr old:


4 yr old:
imagine if it rained sparkles..


    caz said...

    that would be fun!! sparkles everywhere... yay! uh oh- but that means sparkles EVERYWHERE- how impossibe to ever be clean and sparkle free! i might have a deeper think about this before i add it to my prayer list...

    tash said...

    why would we need to clean the sparkles? the sparkles would be sparklie and fun.. imagine a world filled with sparkles. how could we ever be sad again?