Tuesday, October 10, 2006

work, portals, assignments, family, weddings, injury, maccas, love, babies, arabic, chaos = no posts

i know i know i've been hopeless on the blogging front lately.
(tash! post something!) i know, i'm sorry.
its not because i've lost the will to blog [end quote shazza rey], but because i've lost my zen, my balance, my ying to the yang, my chi, basically im having slight technical difficulties with this juggling act.

so lettme get through this stack of butchered trees and i'll be right with you..

take a seat, get comfy.


Mona Jafs said...

My question is: what was ur injury and when did u have a baby?


Mona Jafs said...

and i'm so glad you put 'love' before 'babies'. ur SO on the right track.

love u long time.

shazzarey said...

love eh? babies eh? and by maccas do you mean the fast food or the people?

that is all.

tash said...

* the injury was at the wedding.. im still in pain, gimme love
* the babies weren't mine
* the maccas as in the fast food (i think i had it THREE times on the weekend, which is more than i've had in the past decade).
* love - well lets just leave that right there