Wednesday, January 10, 2007

resolving the urge to resolute

a sweet friend gave me some advice that dr phil had given him: don't make new year's resolutions when you're emotional!

so my sweet friend and i resolved to fight the urge to resolute as soon as the last firework flared, and decided to hold out to a less emotional moment.

well, i'm not sure how my sweet friend has been going, but since that countdown i've had an emotional 10 days. from destiny conference, to my friend havin' a kid, to getting back to work, to celebrating my cousin's birthdays.. well i just haven’t been able to catch a non-emotional moment. but i think i just found one. so let the resoluting begin!

this year, i've decided to keep it simple. i resolve:

1. to serve.
2. to learn,
a) to love my work. love my work. love my work.
b) to converse with a local egyptian without having to substitute the arabic words i don't know with their english translation said in an arab accent. also to learn the arabic translation for "the institute process".
c) as many new life lessons as i possibly can.
3. to laugh.

while last year was the year of the transition, i wonder what wondrous title this year will hold.

with much happy new gregorian calendar love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still love you...take me back!